Biblioteca / Autorxs
Samuel Bernstein
1933 – The Beginnings of Marxian Socialism in France. New York. [2da edición, 1965]
1940 – «Jules Guesde, Pioneer of Marxism in France», en Science & Society, vol. 4, no. 1.
1943 – Jefferson and the French Revolution. New York.
1946 – Filippo Buonarroti. Turín.
Buonarroti. París, 1949.
1948 – A Centenary of Marxism. New York.
1949 – Contribution á l’histoire du socialisme en France: De la Révolution de 1789 á la Commune de 1871. París.
1955 – Essays in Political and Intellectual History. New York. 2da edición, 1969.
1958 – Amerikanische Freunde der franzȯsischen Revolution. Berlín.
1962 – The First International in America. New York.
1962 – Papers of the General Counsil of the International Workisngmen’s Association, Nue York: 1872-1876. Milán.
1963 – Storia del socialismo in Francia: Dall’Illuminismo alla commune, 2 vols., Roma.
1970 – Blanqui. París.
Auguste Blanqui and the Art of Insurrection. Londres, 1971.
Blanqui y el blanquismo. Madrid, 1975.
1975 – Babeuf’s Conspiracy Viewed by the Press of the United States. Assen.
1984 – French Political and Intellectual History. New York.
1985 – Joel Barlow: A Connecticut Yankee in an Age of Revolution. New York.