Neil Harding. Lenin’s Political Thought.

Biblioteca / 1970-1979 

Neil Harding. Lenin’s Political Thought. Theory and Practice in the Democratic and Socialist Revolutions. 

Londres/Basingstoke: Macmillan Press, 1977/81.

2 tomos: vii, 348+iv, 387 páginas.

Nueva York: St. Martin’s Press, 1977/78.

2da edición en un tomo, 1983.

Chicago: Haymarket Books, 2009.

Caricaturizado como un ídolo sobrehumano en los antiguos Estados comunistas, el revolucionario socialista ruso V. I. Lenin ha sido durante mucho tiempo caricaturizado a la inversa en Occidente como un elitista autoritario. En este análisis, cuidadosamente investigado, el autor contradice estas interpretaciones tradicionales de la Guerra Fría sobre el pensamiento y la actividad de Lenin. Harding muestra cómo las flexibles y continuamente cambiantes perspectivas teóricas, estratégicas y tácticas de Lenin estaban firmemente arraigadas en el potencial emancipador de la revolución obrera en Rusia y en todo el mundo.


Volume 1

Theory and Practice in the Democratic Revolution


1 – Samara 1889-93: The Making ofa Marxist

2 – The Background of Orthodoxy

3 – St Petersburg: The Emergence of a Leader

4 – Theoretical Basis – The Economic and Social Analysis

5 – From Economic Agitation to Political Agitation

6 – Turn-of-the-Century Crisis – The Threat to Orthodoxy

7 – The Reaffirmation of Orthodoxy- Social-Democratic Consciousness and the Party

8 – 1904-7: Revolution and Counter-Revolution

9 – Theory and Practice in the Democratic Revolution

10 – 1908-11: Problems of Cohesion in a Period of Reaction

11 – 1911-14: Revival of the Labour Movement and Glimmerings ofa New Theoretical Analysis

Chronology of Major Events and Lenin’s Writings and Activities, 1870-1914


Volume 2

Theory and Practice in the Socialist Revolution


1 – Social Democracy and the War

2 – Lenin on the War

3 – The Theoretical Basis – the Economic and Social Analysis of Imperialism

4 – The Revolutionary Imperative

5 – Theory of the State

6 – The State and Revolution

7 – The Art of lnsurrection

8 – The Project for Socialism in Russia

9 – The Dictatorship of the Proletariat

10 – The Proletariat and the Dictatorship

11 – The International Dimension of the Revolution

12 – The Trade Union Debate

13 – The Declassing of the Proletariat

14 – The Degeneration of the Party

15 – The Reform of the State Apparatus



Chronology of Major Events and Lenin’s Writings and Activities, 1914-24