Nueva York | August Bebel. Woman and Socialism.
Viena | Max Adler. Der Sozialismus und die Intellektuellen.
Morris Hillquit. History of Socialism in the United States. Edición revisada.
Marx. Theorien über den Mehrwert. 3 vols. [editados por Kautsky, 1905/1910]
Plejanov. La dialéctica y la lógica.
B. Tillett. History of the Dockers’ Union.
A. Neil Lyons. Robert Blatchford.
E. Bernstein (ed.) Die Geschichte der Berliner Arbeiter-Bewegung (3 vols., 1907-1910)
B. Shaw. Socialism include Socialism and Superior Brains.
W. J. Davis. History of the Trades Union Congress, vol. I.
M. I. Tougan-Baranowsky. Modern Socialism in its Historical Development.
P.-P. Robiquet. Buonarroti et la secte des égaux.
París | Karl Kautsky. Le Programme Socialiste.
L. Buis. Les Théories sociales de George Sand.
A. Cullen. Adventures in Socialism.
G. Pirou. Proudhonisme et syndicalisme révolutionnaire.
Jean Grave. Réformes-Révolution.
J. Oneal, The Workers in American History.
C. French. Les Bourses du travail et la C.G.T.
París | Jean Jaurès. L’Armée nouvelle.
R. C. K. Ensor. Modern Socialism as Set Forth by Socialists [edición revisada]
París | Emile Vandervelde. La Belgique et le Congo.
Londres | Sidney Webb, Bernard Shaw et al. Socialism and Individualism.
Belfort Bax. The last Episode of the French Revolution.
Nueva York | August Bebel. Reminiscences.
New Yotk | Esther Lowenthal. The Ricardian Socialists.
E. Belfort Bax, The Lost Episode of the French Révólution.
París | Marcel Granet. Contre l’Alcoolisme: un programme socialiste.
Jena | K. Diehl. Uber Sozialismus, Kommunismus und Anarchismus.
H. A. L. Fisher. The Repuhlican Tradition in Eutope.
Leipzig | Karl Marlo. Nachlasz [editado por W. E. Biermann]
Kautsky. Parlementarismus und Demokratie.
J. R. MacDonald. The Socialist Movement.
Tom Mann. The Industrial Syndicalism.
K. Diehl. Über Sozialismus, Komrnunismus, und Anarchismus.
Gante | August Bebel. La femme et le socialisme.
August Bebel. Aus meinem Leben (3 vols.)
S. Humbert. Les Possibilistes.
A. Clay. Syndicalism and Labour.
A. Henderson. George Bernard Shaw.
E. Sylvia Pankhurst. The Suffragette.
J. Burgess. John Burns.
París | Jules Guesde. Questions d’hier et d’aujourd’hui.
C. Bougie. La Sociologie de Proudhon.
E. A. Vizetelly. The Anarchist.
J. R. Commons y colaboradores. A Documentary History of American Industrial Society (10 vols., 1910-11)
París | Georges Weill. Histoire du mouvement social en France, 1852-1910.
Henry Georges. Complete Works (8 vols., 1906-11)
H. George, Jr. Life of Henry George (2 vols.)
H. M. Hyndman. Record of an Adventurous Life.
J. Burgess, John Burns: the Bise and Progress of a Right Honourable.
París | Étienne Antonelli. La démocratie sociale devant les idées présentes.
París | Alexandre Zévaès. Les Guesdistes.
París | Alexandre Zévaès. De la semaine sanglante au Congrès de Marseille, 1871-1879.
A. Orry. Les Socialistes indépendants.
M. Pelloutier. Fernand Pelloutier: sa aie, son oeuvre.
París | Sidney y Béatrice Webb. Examen de la Doctrine Syndicaliste.
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon. La royauté du peuple souverain, Les Temps nouveaux.
Plejanov. El arte y la vida social.
E. Levasseur. Histoire des classes ouvrières en France de 1789 à 1870 [edición revisada]
A. C. A. Compére-Morel (ed.), Encyclopédie socialiste, syndicale et co-opérative de l’lnternationale ouvriére [8 volúmenes, 1912-13]
G. Parent, Le Socialisme de Colins.
H. Oncken, Lassalle: eine politische Biographie.
París | M. de Preaudau. Michel Bakunin: le collectivisme dans l’lnternationale.
A. Zévaès. Le Socialisme en 1912.
S. Humbert. Le Mouvement sindical.
W. E. Walling. Socialism as it is.
A. W. Humphrey. History of Labour Representation.
Londres | Adelheid Popp. The Autobiography of a Working Woman.
G. Sencier. Le Babouvisme après Babeuf.
París | Édouard Dolléans. Le Chartisme (1830-1848).
París | Charles da Costa. Les Blanquistes.
Walter Phelps Hall [1884-1962] British radicalism, 1791-1797.
August Bebel. My Life [traducción abreviada]
G. Metlake. Christian Social Reform.
A. W. Humphrey. History of Labour Representation.
H. M. Hyndman. Further Reminiscences.
L. Levine. The Labor Movement in France.
Fabian Ware. The Worker and his Country.
J. H. Harley. Syndicalism.
J. R. MacDonald. Syndicalism.
M. Chausy. Les Allemanistes.
J. Prolo. Les Anarchistes.
París | M. Tougan-Baranowski. L’évolution historique du Socialisme moderne.
Sanial. General Bankruptcy or Socialism.
H. N. Brailsford. Shelley, Godwin and their Circle.
Chartres | Henri Louvancour. De Henri de Saint-Simon à Charles Fourier. Étude sur le socialisme romantique français de 1830.
F. Hitze. Zur Würdigung der deutschen Arbeiter Socialpolitik.
París | Pierre Kropotkine. L’Idée Révolutionnaire dans la Révolution.
París | Pierre Kropotkine. Aux Jeunes Gens.
París | Pierre Kropotkine. La Révolution sera-t-elle collectiviste?
Kropotkin. The Conquest of Bread.
Nueva York | Elmer Roberts. Monarchical socialism in Germany.
Londres | J.A. Estey. Revolutionary Syndicalism.
Londres | G. D. H. Cole. World of Labour.
J. R. MacDonald. The Social Unrest.
S. y B. Webb. What Syndicalism Means.
P. Snowden. Socialism and Syndicalism.
P. Reynaud. Waldeck-Rousseau.
M. Leroy. La Coutume ouvrière, 2 vols.
Lausana | Adelheid Popp. La Jeunesse d’une ouvrière.
Chicago | Adelheid Popp. The Autobiography of a Working Woman.
París | Suzanne Wassermann. Les Clubs de Barbès et de Blanqui en 1848.
T. G. Masaryk. The Spirit of Russia [traducción inglesa 1919]
Y. Steklov. N. Tschernischewsky, ein Lebensbild.
París | E. Lepelletier. Histoire de la Commune de 1871 [1911/13]
Bakunin. Correspondance. M. Nettlau (vol. I) y J. Guillaume (vols. 2-6) [1895-1913]
A. C. A. Compère-Morel. La Question agraire et le socialisme en France.
S. P. Orth. Socialism and Democacy in Europe.
W. S. Sanders. The Socialist Movement in Germany.
W. S. Sanders. Industrial Organisation in Germany.
Tom Mann. From Single Tax to Syndicalism.
T. Kirkup y E. R. Pease. History of Socinlism.
M. W. Nevinson. Four Years’ Strugglefor Freedom.
Beatrice Webb (ed.) The Case for the National Minimum.
C. H. Hayes. British Social Politics.
Louis Levine. Syndicalism in France.
Gales | Arthur John Hawkes. A bibliography of Robert Owen, the socialist, 1771-1858.
Nueva York | Daniel De Leon. Unity.
París | Jules Guesde. Çà et Là.
Guesde. De la propriété.
M. Vuillaume, Mes Cahiers rouges au temps de la Commune (10 vols., 1908-14).
J. Connolly. Labour in lrish History.
J. A. Hobson. Worh and Wealth.
Buenos Aires | Jacinto Oddone. Historia del socialismo argentino.
E. A. Vizetelly, My Adventures in the Commune.
Kautsky. Der politische Massenstreik.
L. Levine. Syndicalism in France.
W. Picht. Toynbee Hall and the Settlement Movement.
S. G. Hobson y A. R. Orage. National Guilds.
A. Wright. Disturbed Dublin.
G. Noske. Kolonialpolitik und Sozialdemokratie.
C. Southeran. Horace Greeley and other Partisans of American Socialism.
Octave Festy. Les Associations ouvrières encouragées par la deuxième République.
Hyndman. The Future of Democracy.
París | P. G. La Chesnais (1865-1948). Le groupe socialiste du Reichstag et la déclaration de guerre.
Londres | G. D. H. Cole. Labour in War Time.
William Morris. Collected Works (24 vols., 1910-1915).
J. F. Hecker. Russian Sociology.
C. Gide y C. Rist. History of Economic Doctrines.
A. Sotheran. Horace Greeley and other Pioneers of American Socialist.
A. W. Humphrey. Robert Applegarth.
H. Scott Holland. A Bundle of Mettnries.
C. Rappoport. Jean Jaurès.
Nueva York | Frank Rosenblatt. The Chartist Movement in its Social and Economic Aspects.
Nueva York | Preston Slosson. The Decline of Chartist Movement.
Mun. Combats d’hier et d’aujourd’hui (6 vols., 1910-16).
Nueva York | John Macy. Socialism in America.
Sidney Webb. Towards Social Democracy.
Nueva York | Judith Blow Williams. A Guide to Some Aspects of English Social History, 1750-1850.
A. N. Young. History of the Single Tax Movement in the United States.
Edward Carpenter, My Days and Dreams.
Nueva York | Edward R. Pease. History of the Fabian Society.
W. J. Davis. History of the Trades Union Congress, vol. II.
París | Émile Vandervelde. La Belgique envahie et le socialisme international.
R. Goldscheid. Staatssozialismus oder Staatskapitalismus.
W. F. Kamman. Socialism in German American Literature.
S. Gwynn y G. Tucknell. Life of Sir Charles Dilke.
M. Pease. Jean Jaurès.
París | Alexandre Zévaès. La Faillite de l’Internationale. Faits et documents.
G. M. Tuckwell y S. Gwynn. Memoirs of Sir Charles Dilke.
E. Bernstein. Erinnerungen, voI I. [traducción inglesa, 1920]
J. R. MacDonald. Socialism after the War.
Londres | G.D.H. Cole y Page Arnot. Trade Unionism On The Railways. Its History and Problems.
Edward Carpenter. Towards Industrial Freedom.
Nueva York | Louise Bryant. Six Red Months in Moscow.
P. A. Brown. The French Revolution in English History.
C.-C.-A. Bouglé. Chez les prophètes socialistes.
E. Belfort Bax. Reminiscences and Reflections.
P. Miliukov. Le Mouvement intellectuel russe.
Kautsky. Die Diktatur des Proletariats.
Londres | G.D.H. Cole. Self-Government in Industry.
Londres | G. D. H. Cole. Labour in the Commonwealth.
París | Émile Vandervelde. Le socialisme contre l’État.
Londres | Émile Vandervelde. Three aspects of the Russian revolution.
Manchester | Mark Hovell. The Chartist Movement.
J. R. Commons y colaboradores. History of Labor in the United States (2 vols.)
H. Schlüter. Die Internationale in Amerika.
E. Belfort Bax. Reflections and Reminiscences.
Henrietta Barnett. Life of Samuel Barnett (2 vols.)
Nueva York | Paul F. Brissenden. The l. W. W. A Study of American Syndicalism.
H. Honegger. Godin und das Familistére von Guise.
E. Bernstein. Ferdinand Lassalle, eine Würdigung des Lehrers und Kämpfers.
J. R. Commons et al. History of Labor in the United States (4 vols., 1918-19)
J. Bruce Glasier. J. Keir Hardie: a Memorial (folleto)
Karl Liebknecht. The Future Belongs to the People.
J. R. MacDonald. Parliament and Revolution.
W. P. Ryan. The Irish Labour Movement.
D. Lowe. Souvenirs of Scottish Labour.
Londres | G. D. H. Cole. World of Labour. 4ta edición.
Londres | Karl Kautsky. The Dictatorship of the Proletariat.
Chicago | Manifesto and governing rules of the Communist International.
Montreal | The Manifesto of the Moscow International; signed by Lenin, Trotzky, Platten, Zinoviev and Rakovsky.
AAVV. Daniel De León. The Man and his Work.
Hyndman. The Awakening of Asia.
Londres | Max Beer. A History Of British Socialism. Volumen I.
Chicago | Émile Vandervelde. Socialism versus the State.
Londres | Michel Bakunin. The Organization of the International, 1864-1876.