



Londres | Isaac Deutscher. Soviet Trade Unions: their place in Soviet labour policy

Londres | Alfred Cobban, editor. The Debate on the French Revolution, 1789-1800.

A. E. Bestor. Backwoods Utopias.

E. Dolléans y M. Crozier. Mouvements ouvrier et socialiste, chronologie et bibliographie.

Benoît P. Hepner. Bakounine et le panslavisme révolutionnaire.

Hugh Seton-Watson. The East European Reoolution.

París | Maxime Leroy. Histoire des Idées sociales en France, vol. 2: de Babeuf à Tocqueville.

Londres | Edward Carr. A History of Soviet Russia. vol. I.: The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-1923.

P. Louis. Histoire du socialisme en France (edición revisada).

Londres | Rudolf Schlesinger. Marx His Time and Ours.

W. Kent. John Burns: Labour’s Lost Leader.

Philip Henderson, ed. The Letters of William Morris.

W. Kent. John Burns, Labour’ s Lost Leadet.

F. Williams. Fifty Years’ March.


Londres | G. D. H. Cole – A. W. Filson. British Working-class Movements: Select Documents, 1789-1875.

Nueva York | Marx-Engels-Lenin-Stalin. The Woman Question: Selections from Writings.

Londres | Mark Holloway. Heavens on Earth. Utopian Communities in America, 1680-1880.

David O. Evans. Social Romanticism in France, 1830-1848.

Richard Hare. Pioneers of Russian Social Thought.

Londres | John Follows. Antecedents of the International Labour Organization.

París | Jean Dautry, ed. Saint-Simon. Textes choisis.

Edward Carr. A History of Soviet Russia. The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-1923, vol. I.

L. Valiani. Storia del movimento socialista, vol. I

J. Maitron. Histoire du mouvement anarchiste en France 1880-1914.

H. V. Wiles. William Morris of Walthamstow.

L. Thompson. Robert Blatchford: Portrait of an Englishman.

R. Postgate. Life of George Lansbury.


Ernest Jones: Chartists [Introducción de John Saville]

J. P. Plamenatz. The Revolutionary Movement in France, 1815-71.

París | Jean Benard. La Theorie marxiste du capital.

Moscú | Chernyshevsky. Select Philosophical Essays.

París | Frantz Fanon. Peau noire, masques blancs.

Edward Carr. A History of Soviet Russia. The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-1923, vol. II.

Princenton | D. G. Egbert y S. Persons, ed. Socialism and American Life (2 vols.)


Londres | G.D.H. Cole. History of Socialist Thought. Vol. 1: The Forerunners, 1789-1850

Londres | G.D.H. Cole. History of Socialist Thought. Vol. 2: Marxism and Anarchism, 1850-1890

París | Félix Armand, éd. Fourier. Textes choisis.

R. Schlesinger. Central European Democracy and its Background.

París | M. Dommanget. Histoire du premier mai.

Hugh Dalton. Call Back Yesterday.

San Pablo | Mário Ferreira dos Santos. Análise dialéctica do marxismo.

París | Edouard Dolléans. Histoire du mouvement ouvrier, t. III: de 1921 à nos jours.

Londres | G.D.H. Cole. Attempts at General Union. A Study in British Trade Union History, 1818-1834.

Edward Carr. A History of Soviet Russia. The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-1923, vol. III.

Columbia | Howard Quint. The Forging of American Socialism. Origins of the Modern Movement.

Londres | Simon Maccoby. English Radicalism, 1886-1914.


Londres | Isaac Deutscher. The Prophet Armed: Trotsky, 1879-1921.

Edward Carr. A History of Soviet Russia. The Interregnum, 1923-1924.

C. R. Attlee. As It Happened.

H. M. Pelling. The Origins of the Labour Party.

Victor Adler. Biefwechsel mit August Bebel und Karl Kautsky [editado por Friedrich Adler] 


Moscú | Karl Marx and Frederick Engels. Selected Works, vol. I.

París | Jean Chesnaux. Contribution à l’histoire de la nation vietnamienne.


Londres | G.D.H. Cole. History of Socialist Thought. Vol. 3: The Second International, 1889-1914

Moscú | Karl Marx. Capital: A Critique of Political Economy, volumen II

Cambridge | Aaron Noland. The Founding of the French Socialist Party (1893-1905).

Stuttgart | Thilo Ramm. Der Frühsozialismus Ausgewählte Quellen texte.

Buenos Aires | Maurice Dommanget. Historia del Primero de Mayo.

Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre. Treinta años de Aprismo.

Nueva York | Martin Wilbur – Julie Lien-ying How, eds. Documents on Communism, Nationalism, and Soviet Advisers in China, 1918-1927.

París | Jean-Yves Calvez. La pensée de Karl Marx.


París | Henri Denis. Valeur et Capitalisme.

Londres/Nueva York | Imre Nagy on Communism: In Defence of the New Course.

París | Philippe Buonarroti. Conspiration pour l’égalité, dite de Babeuf. Prefacio de Georges Lefebvre.


Londres | G.D.H. Cole. History of Socialist Thought. Vol. 4: Communism and Social Democracy, 1914-1931

México | G.D.H. Cole. Historia del pensamiento socialista. Tomo II: Marxismo y Anarquismo, 1850-1890

París | Henri Lefebvre. Problèmes actuels du marxisme.

Nueva York | Alan Moorehead. The Russian Revolution.

Londres | Engels, Friedrich (1820-1895) The condition of the working class in England [Traducción de W. Henderson y W. Chaloner]

Princeton | Richard Hostetter. The Italian Socialist Movement. I: Origins (1860-1882).

Milwaukee | Eric Waldman. The Spartacist Uprising of 1919 and the Crisis of the German Socialist Movement.

Edward Carr. A History of Soviet Russia. Socialism in One Country, 1924-1926, vol. I.

Londres | Henry Pelling. The British Communist Party: A Historical Profile.

Cambridge | Conrad Brandt. Stalin’s Failure in China, 1924-1927.

Nueva York | Oliver Radkey. The Agrarian Foes of Bolshevism: Promise and Default of the Russian Socialist Revolutionaries, February to October 1917.

Madrid | Jean-Yves Calvez. El pensamiento de Carlos Marx.